Gnarwarre Vic 3221

Controlling Weeds

What is a weed?  If you are a gardener or till the soil for agriculture,  then these are the ubiquitous unwanted seedlings that sprout up in between the plants you want to grow. They are the invaders! They may be migrants to our country from overseas. Or they might be native plants which are growing where they are not required. A plant is deemed weedy if it takes over, out competing other slower growing species, and eventually creating a monoculture.

In the case of the following plants, classified as those which are impacting most on the livelihoods of farmers and on the health of our  ever threatened native ecosystems in the Barrabool Hills, they are all introduced from other countries.  Some, like the feral rabbit, were introduced for a purpose, without thought about the long term impacts on a susceptible landscape, others found their way here accidently.

Unfortunately this list is being added to every year, as climate change causes many of our local provenance native species to teeter on the brink of survival, opening up the ground for opportunistic invaders

2012 Serrated Tussock seed heads blown against a gate at Mt Pollock - Photo credit Neville Trotter

A Commitment To Sustainability

Striving to build a more sustainable landscape across the iconic Barrabool Hills

The Most Wanted

The areas highlighted green on the small drawing on the title header depict where the species will grow or is naturally found.

WONS – means that the weed is of national significance and MUST be controlled.

For more information about identification and control strategies go to:

Chilean Needle Grass

Chilean needle grass is becoming a serious pasture and environmental weed in south-eastern Australia. It is very invasive and forms dense stands in pastures, bushland and roadsides.

African Boxthorn
Bridal Creeper
Flax Leaf Broom
Sodum Apple
Wild Sage

And…. there is more!

When the growing conditions in summer are perfect, then many other invasive plant species rear their ugly heads and can be a significant weed issue if you don’t eradicate them as soon as possible.

The rule is be a good observer…. And importantly even one plant will start a forest!

Here are some of the weeds that you need to watch out for. If you need help in identifying a weed species, or need advice to manage an invasion… go to the Contact Us page on the website and one of our members will follow up.